Dental prosthetics
Prosthetics is one of the most crucial stages of treatment that a patient undergoes with a dentist. The fact is that the absence of even one tooth, especially if the lost tooth is not restored in a timely manner, leads to a number of disruptions in the entire dental system, as well as affecting several other bodily systems. Our body is adapted to compensate; specifically, if there is no “neighboring tooth,” whether it is on the opposite jaw or next to the missing one, our body tries to replace the lost tooth itself. What happens? The adjacent tooth shifts towards the gap, a phenomenon known as the Popov-Godon phenomenon.

The patient does not experience any significant problems initially; this process occurs gradually. Over time, food begins to get trapped more often, the gums may become injured, and an inflammatory process can develop in the gums. By the time the patient seeks help, the situation has already worsened and may have persisted for years. Therefore, it is very important to replace the lost tooth as soon as possible after its loss. In our clinic, “ProSmile,” our doctors are skilled in all techniques for restoring a lost tooth or group of teeth. These include removable and non-removable constructions, bridgework, single crowns, highly aesthetic constructions, and more. Our clinic will help you choose the right restoration option for the lost teeth or their group.
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Equipment and technology
Computed tomography for diagnosis and treatment under magnification can solve all problems
Highly qualified specialists
Doctors of the clinic are trained by leading dentists of the world, they are able to work with the most complicated cases
A painless and comfortable treatment without stress and anxiety.

Our doctors
We work exclusively on the principles of evidence-based medicine and use protocols that have been repeatedly validated in scientific studies.

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