Air-Flow Soda Brushing
Tartar removal and Air-flow pearl/soda tooth cleaning
Tartar is mineralized deposits on the teeth that form gradually over time due to poor oral care. Tartar formation can also be associated with systemic diseases, such as a disturbance in the body’s salt metabolism. At first, soft white or yellowish plaque is formed, which then turns into hard tartar when it interacts with saliva and bacteria. This plaque can no longer be removed with a normal toothbrush.
Tartar usually forms on the line between the tooth and gum (gingival sulcus), between the teeth, and other hard-to-reach areas. Therefore, even with careful dental care, there is still a risk of plaque formation.

Plaque is not so much an aesthetic problem. Such mineralized deposits also contribute to the general deterioration of human health. First of all, dental problems develop. Such as: Gingivitis, dental caries, periodontal disease, etc. If plaque is formed in the area of the gum margin, it can cause bleeding, soreness, swollen gums and bad breath. If the problem is neglected, suppuration and abscess may occur.
Tartar removal
Ultrasonic teeth cleaning is one of the most modern and safest ways of professional teeth cleaning. It consists of removing plaque and calculus from the surface of tooth enamel with a special device (ultrasonic scaler) using ultrasonic vibration on the surface of already formed tartar. This procedure does not damage the enamel and is recommended to be performed twice a year.
Air-Flow Soda Brushing/Pearl Brushing
This procedure is usually performed immediately after ultrasonic tooth brushing. The surface of the tooth is treated with a special highly active mixture consisting of a cleaning component and water under certain pressure. Such cleaning effectively removes plaque directly from the surface of the teeth, making them several shades lighter. As a separate method of cleaning teeth AirFlow is used only at the initial stages of hardening of mineral deposits.
Make an appointment for tartar removal and pearl cleaning!
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Equipment and technology
Computed tomography for diagnosis and treatment under magnification can solve all problems
Highly qualified specialists
Doctors of the clinic are trained by leading dentists of the world, they are able to work with the most complicated cases
A painless and comfortable treatment without stress and anxiety.

Our doctors
We work exclusively on the principles of evidence-based medicine and use protocols that have been repeatedly validated in scientific studies.

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